Common Q&A

  1. How to contact Faculty of Accounting and Auditing (FAA)?

2. What are the expected learning outcomes of the Bachelor program of ACCA professional Accounting and Auditing program? (Expected learning outcomes)

  • Knowledge

(PLO1) Applying the foundation knowledge of political science, social science, methodology, general science, information technology, and other general education knowledge to support life-long study, research, and work.

(PLO2) Organizing and implementing accounting, auditing, finance and tax profession in enterprises according to international and Vietnamese accounting – auditing standards;

(PLO3) Apply methods of analyzing financial accounting and managerial accounting information for decision making.

(PLO4) Budgeting, controlling, evaluating, and recommending proper solutions to improve operational efficiency of enterprises.

(PLO5) Applying accounting-auditing knowledge and profession in financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, tax, financial management, law in accordance with international standards.

  • Skills

(PLO6) Having skills in preparing and auditing financial statements;

(PLO7) Having skills in analyzing, evaluating, and reporting information for decision making in the fields of accounting, auditing, tax and finance;

(PLO8) Having skills in communication, presentation, criticism, and debate;

(PLO9) Having English qualification at level 4/6 of Vietnam Foreign Language Competency Framework promulgated together with Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDT as well as using English fluently to analyze, process, examine, evaluate, and provide information in the field of accounting and auditing;

(PLO10) Having IT ability at a level as prescribed in Circular 03/2014/TT-BTTTT and able to use supporting software in professional fields.

  • Autonomy and responsibility  

(PLO11) Have the ability to actively study, research, accumulate knowledge and experience to improve professional qualifications as well as having ability to plan, assign, guide, and supervise the work of team members when performing tasks;

(PLO12) Understanding of professional ethics, having a firm spirit to overcome difficulties, being innovative, creative, and having responsibility for individuals and groups as well as a sense of providing service to the community.

3. What is the organizational structure and staff of FAA?

  • FAA has 3 departments: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Auditing. The FAA consists of 20 academic staff, including 02 Associate Professors, 06 PhDs, and 12 Masters, 09 in which are PhD students. Some lecturers have ACCA and CMA (Certified Management Accountant) certificates from Australia, IAP (Internal Audit Practitioner) certificates from the US IIA, and CPA certificates from the Ministry of Finance. 

4. How many training programs does FAA have?

  • FAA has the task of training Accounting with 02 training programmes: Accounting – Auditing Standard programme and ACCA-oriented Accounting – Auditing programme. These training programmes aim to equip students with basic knowledge of business, accounting, auditing, taxation, finance as well as in-depth professional knowledge and skills through financial accounting, management accounting, tax, financial management, auditing, business law, practice skills in making financial statements, tax reports, business effective operation management… FAA is proud to be the first higher education unit in Vietnam to launch the ACCA-oriented programme that integrates 9 courses of applied knowledge and applied skills of ACCA certificate.

5. What is ACCA Qualification? 

  • The ACCA Qualification, provided by The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, is the world leading accountancy qualification for aspiring financial professionals – providing students with the skills, knowledge and values to have successful careers and lead the organizations they work with into the future. 
  • At Foreign Trade University, FAA offers students a high-quality ACCA-Oriented Accounting and Auditing program, which is the first course in Vietnam to integrate all ACCA’s Fundamental level modules into the curriculum. 

6. What are the modules that ACCA Qualification’s Fundamental level comprises?

  • The fundamental level comprises 9 courses, labeled from F1 to F9, which are: 

F1: Business and Technology (BT) 

F2: Management Accounting (MA)

F3: Financial Accounting (FA)

F4: Corporate and Business Law (LW)

F5: Performance Management (PM)

F6: Taxation (TX)

F7: Financial Reporting (FR)

F8: Audit and Assurance (AA)

F9: Financial Management (FM)

  • All these courses are delivered to students throughout 4 years of full-time studying ACCA-Oriented Accounting and Auditing program. Please check out this for further information.

7. What are the opportunities for the ACCA-Oriented Accounting and Auditing program’s graduates?

  • After graduation, students have opportunities to continue their studies and receive globally-respected ACCA qualification; Master in Professional Accountancy awarded by University of London in its cooperation with ACCA exclusively for ACCA’s students and members; or Master in Business Administration (MBA) awarded by Oxford Brookes especially for ACCA members. 

8. How can I convert my ACCA exam marks to credit points for the equivalent modules?

Students need to prepare a converting point dossier that comprises:

  • Application for converting points:
  • From Financial Management (FM) exam mark:
  • From other exam marks (except FM):
  • ACCA exam marks that are printed out from students’ account
  • A copy of Student ID and citizen identification card

9. Who are the applicable subjects of the conversion regulation?

The conversion can only be applied to students studying the ACCA-Oriented Accounting and Auditing program at Foreign Trade University in one of the following cases:

  • Students who have not taken part in a subject for an irresistible reason have the school’s consent
  • Students who restudy for failed subjects or restudy for grade improvement according to the credit points regulation (Students who got grade D or F in their last study) 

10. Where can I submit my converting point dossiers?

  • Students can submit their converting point dossiers at the office of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing will verify/confirm and will forward it to the Department of Academic Affairs for approval according to regulations.

11. When can I submit my converting point dossiers?

  • Students must submit their converting point dossiers within 1 week from the release of exam results at ACCA Global and before being qualified to write a graduation thesis/graduation internship report

12. Which subjects are allowed for conversion

  • List of subjects that are allowed for a conversion from ACCA exam marks to credit points
ACCA Global subject Credit-based subjects at Foreign Trade University Note
1 Accountant in Business – F1 Kế toán trong kinh doanh – KET.F1.1
2 Management Accounting – F2 Kế toán quản trị – KET.F2
3 Financial Accounting – F3 Kế toán tài chính 1 – KET.F3.1

Kế toán tài chính 2 – KET.F3.2

Student can choose to convert one or both subjects
4 Corporate and Business Law – F4 Pháp luật trong kinh doanh – KET.F4
5 Performance Management – F5 Quản trị hiệu quả hoạt động 1 – KET.F5.1

Quản trị hiệu quả hoạt động 2 – KET.F5.2

Student can choose to convert one or both subjects
6 Taxation – F6 Thuế – KET.F6
7 Financial Reporting – F7 Báo cáo tài chính 1 – KET.F7.1

Báo cáo tài chính 2 – KET.F7.2

Student can choose to convert one or both subjects
8 Audit and Assurance – F8 Kiểm toán tài chính 1 – KET.F8.1

Kiểm toán tài chính 2 – KET.F8.2

Student can choose to convert one or both subjects
9 Financial Management – F9 Quản trị tài chính 1 – KET.F9.1

Quản trị tài chính 2 – KET.F9.2

Student can choose to convert one or both subjects

13. How does the conversion method work?

  • Credit points are converted based on ACCA exam marks and the first total grade of the equivalent modules at Foreign Trade University according to the following table:
ACCA Global exam marks Credit points converted at Foreign Trade University
68 or above A (10,0)
55 to 57 B (8,4)
40 to 54 C (6,9)
  • Example:
  • Students who have the first total grade is D, but get 67 marks on an ACCA Global exam afterward will be allowed to convert their total grade to B (equivalent to 8,4 on a scale of 10). This grade will be used as an improvement point for the equivalent modules.
  • Students who have the first total grade is F, but get 53 marks on an ACCA Global exam afterward will be allowed to convert their total grade to C (equivalent to 5,3 on a scale of 10). This grade will be used as a  replacement point for students’ restudy of the equivalent modules

14. If you have learnt ACCA from outside courses, will FAA support you to take the exams sooner?

  • Since every student will share the same exam date, even if you have learnt ACCA courses beforehand, you will still have to participate in the exams on the exact date as everyone else.