Doctor of Business Administration Program

Doctor of Business Administration Program

Expected Learning Outcomes

The Bachelor program of ACCA Professional Accounting - Auditing program is designed to ensure that graduates will achieve the following outcomes: Knowledge (PLO1) Applying...

Training programme

The FAA has the task of training Accounting with 02 training programmes: Accounting - Auditing Standard programme and ACCA-oriented Accounting - Auditing programme. These...

Programme Specification 2021

Program Specification 2021 - ACCA

Syllabus for the Bachelor of Accounting (Accounting-Auditing) with ACCA orientation

1.TRI114_Triet hoc Mac Lenin 2. TRI115_Kinh te chinh tri 3. TRI116_Chu nghia xa hoi khoa hoc 4. TRI117_LSDCSVN_TV 5. TRI104_Tu tuong Ho Chi Minh 6. TOA106. TOÁN TÀI CHÍNH 7....