Typical Student


Phi Lan Anh – 3rd year student of ACCA’s Faculty of Accounting – Auditing – has excellently won 1st place in the world in Financial Reporting in the June 2021 exam organized by ACCA with a score of 97 /100.

This result may surprise many people, but for the teachers who directly teach Lan Anh, it is a worthy result for your efforts and careful preparation before each subject. Before achieving this admirable result, Lan Anh also won 1st place in Vietnam in ACCA’s Performance Management subject in the March exam this year, as well as won many excellent scholarships at the school such as 2 years consecutively won Lotte scholarship, 2 consecutive years won KEB Hana scholarship and other incentive scholarships…

Faculty of Accounting – Auditing would like to congratulate Lan Anh on this extremely outstanding achievement! This achievement of her as well as the excellent academic achievements of the students of the Faculty of Accounting – Auditing have always been the driving force behind the teachers to be more enthusiastic about the profession, with the career of training quality human resources. High quality for the country!
