Recap – Field trip at Viet Duc Construction Concrete Company


This morning, April 14, 2023, Faculty of Accounting – Auditing in collaboration with Viet Duc Construction Concrete Company held a business tour program at the company’s headquarters in Hung Yen. Attending the program, on the business side, there were Ms. Ta Lan Phuong – General Director of Viet Duc Concrete Company, Ms. Pham Thi Loan – Chief Accountant and Mr. Nguyen Trong Thien – Head of Human Resources. On the side of the Faculty of Accounting – Auditing, there were Ms. Le Thi Hien, Mr. Nguyen Vu Hoang, Mr. Co Van Chien and students K59, K60 of KTKT participated in the program.
Throughout the program, along with the dedicated guidance of lecturers and employees who have many years of experience in the field of accounting, the students were able to directly learn about the financial accounting process and management accounting of the company, as well as exchange, discuss and share ideas and experiences in this field.
The business tour program ended with valuable experiences and knowledge being shared with K59 and K60 students, thereby helping to improve learning quality and enhance practical ability in the future. At the same time, the trip is also an opportunity for students to connect with businesses, learn and better understand the reality of businesses, thereby orienting themselves to a brighter future.
Faculty of Accounting – Auditing hopes that this trip will be an important turning point in the learning and development journey of the students. Thank you all for participating and see you soon!